Monday, May 29, 2006

personal preference art : Preparing for a Print Run

Determine the Images to be Reproduced. By using a Colson Art Printing grid sheet (provided in our free art information kit) you can determine the space available for sizing your prints and planning your print run. Generally, your largest and most prominent piece(s) will take priority on the sheet, and other items will fill the remaining space. Please do not hesitate to fax us your grid sheet for a preliminary quote. We'll be happy to work with you to achieve the most effective layout.

Sizing the Original Art or Color Transparency. Sizing (reducing or enlarging) is often thought of as being difficult and hard to execute. The key is to understand the process and know the formula. The following is a guide to sizing your art.

divided by

Filling the Sheet
At Colson Art Printing, gang runs are the norm. We do not gang your work with other artists because we encourage you to 'fill the sheet' with your own work! Gang runs are usually more cost effective compared to single order printing. The reasons for this are simple. First, our standard sheet size is 26 x 40 (25 x 39.5 usable or printable area) or half of that sheet, 20 x 26 (19 x 25.5 usable or printable area). Anything less than these sizes results in wasted paper which could be your sellable prints or promotional items. Secondly, press time is valuable. Obviously, printing two different prints on the same sheet is cheaper than printing the two prints separately.

Type and Paper Selection
Colson Art Printing has a wide range of type styles and paper choices to meet the needs of artists and publishers. You may have your own personal preference for type, or allow our art consultants to suggest a tasteful style for your art prints, notecards, brochures and other printed material.

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